A friend of mine recently asked me for a photo. This was not an average photo. It was an image of him, looking silly. It was a rainy day at the lake where I spent my summers growing up. We were bored. For those who don't know, I went to Cosmetology classes when I was in high school. One thing lead to another, and we get my poor friend with hair teased out as high as I could get it.
It's funny how a certain photo will take you back. Back to when you were little, or even just a few years ago. When I look at old photos, I can almost replay that whole event in my head. I can remember what we were doing, who was there, why we were doing it.
Throughout my life I've had a camera. As I look back over these photos, Im glad I did. Im glad I took the photos, even though Im sure there were many protests. "My hair's not done! I have no makeup on! I look a mess!" Some of the shots are blurry, or over exposed, but that's ok. The memories are what it's really all about.
In the age of digital, how many people really print their images? Do they sit on a hard drive, where no one can see them? I encourage you to go through them. Print them. Share them. Scan the prints. Back them up! While you're going through them on your hard drive, tag them. A day will come, probably sooner than you think, where you won't remember the names of the people in the photos. Grab your albums and go visit your friends. People who were such a huge part of your life at one time. Reconnect with them.
I've always loved looking at old photos. I really love the candid shots. Shots that show the fun that the people in the image were having. I guess that's how my style evolved to what it is. Candids, but kind of posed. I love the natural smile, the great expressions that we can get from the kids who come here. We love for the experience to be a fun one for our clients. More times than not, our clients become our friends. Who can't use more friends? To all of them who gave me such great memories, Thank you!
Of course, I have to share the photo that inspired this post. Sorry, Joe!